Thursday, October 23, 2014

How Stupid do they think you are?

I was watching the news and saw that the North Carolina Democrat's volunteers, as well as the Georgia Democrat, were putting leaflets on doors and mail boxes depicting images of cross burnings, Ferguson Missouri references, tying the republican party to a racial apocalypse that would follow if they, the republicans, won the senate. I was mortified! I thought to myself, If there was a serious conservative contender in NY, that i supported, i would be painted with a brush that would show me as a man that wants to hang and shoot black folks. That my very vote would be proof that i want blacks to hang, and their youth  to be shot by police. Then i sit back and look at all the people in my family that are black, close friends that are black, and think, to myself. Are they as mortified as i am, that me, their family member, close friend, is being painted as a bigot that wants to kill them? Because even if you dont, which i know you dont, you have to be as mortified at the shit that's being pulled! 

Then i look at yet another fact. The very police killing these kids, whether justified or not, are part of a union that gives nearly 100% of their financial backing to democrats. Yes, those same democrats that say the other guys want to hang you consistently give the police 100% of what they ask for in pay, and working rights! For crying out loud, the clan was born from democrats! They, the dems, elected a senate majority leader that was the head of the clan (Senator Bird). Yet, they all progressives, white and black, and push out this narrative that, based on my vote, i want slavery back. That the moment i cast my vote, i'm buying a farm!!! 

I don't know much, but i do know this. There are a lot of people out there that may not be as open  minded as those who read this. And those people are being brainwashed to think, that the white guy they're looking at, hates him/her. Or assume that a certain zip code means you are automatically locked into an opposite view of their world as the person of color. There is an awful lot of hate being peddled out there, and only one party needs it to exist! 

Be safe, god bless

Thursday, October 16, 2014

scary times

There comes a time where you set aside your ideology and actually do what is right. I am still flummoxed that consensus is still being sought among the elite class, the same intelligentsia that brought you "WE DESERVED TO BE ATTACKED ON 9-11, to execute a coherent plan on Ebola! Our elected officials are sworn to protect us, not treat others in far away lands! They were elected to put compassion aside, and execute plans that require tough decisions! The arrogance of these people to think we cant handle a tough decision. The arrogance to think that we cant tolerate a short term inconvenience over long term salvation. I will say it once again. There are people in office who have made a career out of flapping their lips and accomplishing nothing! Unfortunately in times of crisis it shows!!!

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

lies, lies and damn lies!!

We often heard how SHIT our healthcare system was. So a complete overhaul was shoved down our throat. It was so bad, that it couldn't even be discussed, debated, or even have the extent of change needed to fix it. Remember, you have to pass it, before you read it.. PFFFFFT

This same CRAP healthcare system is now the one needed and being touted as the only system good enough to fix the Ebola problem! Wait, I thought it was shit! So much so, that it required a complete overhaul. One not yet implemented to allow for political cover, as to not show how bad they truly screwed it up!!! A system that only has 19 beds for Ebola. A system that has a, come one come all mantra! When are we, as Americans, going to demand that AMERICANS come first!! When are us Americans going to finally stop looking at things through the prism of "party" alliance!

Our Government is failing us. Failing us in the name of political correctness! You do not have the RIGHT to come here to get treated! You do have the right to hold your own government accountable to have the services in place to take care of you!

Friday, October 10, 2014

Hide in plane site (lie in plain site)

It's gotten to the point with our government where every word they say is a lie. It's almost brilliant! A media that won't call BS, an administration that doesn't care, because you are obviously an intellectual midget! Unable to decipher right from wrong, good from bad, or anything else that used to require basic living skills!

Oh and the pivot! You have to love the pivot the main stream media is deciding to slowly make. NOW you're offended that your intelligence has been offended. Now you want a little less of a crooked answer! It's your new excuse\reasoning for running over to Hillary! You can then say, i was against him before i was for him. Or, we were warned by Hillary that he wasn't ready for the job, we must right this ship by getting her the votes she should have gotten in 2008!

Well now you're insulting my intelligence. She, in all honesty, would be twice as bad as the dude that's in there now! She has ZERO identity! At least this president told you, I AM GOING TO TRANSFORM the country.. Hillary will have you believe she is JUST LIKE YOU, whilst demanding her Jam be at an optimum temperature prior to applying it to her toast, or demanding that a man paid to take a bullet for her should instead carry her bags!

The most dangerous weapon the world has seen, is a liberal with too much time on their hands!

Thursday, October 9, 2014

It's hard work being wrong about every decision you make

It's hard work being wrong about every decision you make! Yet, our current president is making sure he does just that! As we get close up look at how things are run, through the narrow, naive viewpoint of a radical college professor. Where every historical event from the time of settlers to today, is a justification for future repercussions.

We're learning that simply gathering around the camp fire, getting stoned, and constantly saying "my fault" doesn't prevent a bad guy from surfacing. Matter of fact, it does the exact opposite! We've seen the  rise of those intent on paying us back for no more of a reason than simply being inferior! Its time to make sure change comes. But, the change i speak of, is a change back to where we walk around as if our shit doesnt stink! Where we set the standards, and those that cant keep up be damned!

How do we do that you say?? Start with the schools! Progressives took the last 30 years to do nothing more than put themselves in a position to indoctrinate our kids! Teaching them that, everything bad in the world is due to their blessed USA. That all ailments are born from, Corporations, imperial ambitions and the fleecing of the less fortunate.

Time to tell our kids, they arent born special! They become special! Regardless of some paper pushers sick view of their world. the world is a cruel place. One that will step on them, if they dont get to stepping!!!

That is all.. Go with God! And dont forget tot tip your waitress on the way out!

Wednesday, October 8, 2014


I find it comical how pundits and citizen idiots are often in line with their same radical ideology! And they do this all the while calling each other crazy for their beliefs!! 

We have an election, where Republicans are poised to take back BOTH houses, yet, you have purists like Mark Levin insuring that his followers DON'T turn out because they are not PURE in every single belief he has. 

I almost think he is doing it on purpose! As though he fears that he will have nothing to bitch about if the wave occurs! Now, he'll say RINO this or RINO that. But ultimately, the goal is to stop what we feel are destructive policies, and that cant happen with a sure fire democrat being elected! 

Has he ever stopped to think that these Republican candidates are just doing what our current president did prior to his first election. Which is, appear mainstream, get in, then go buck wild! I mean, our president got into office saying one thing and doing another i.e. i am for traditional marriage but now i'm not. I'm transparent, um well, not so much. A government for the people, while using the government to hunt the people down for political dissent.

At the end of the day, what republicans dont get, that democrats do get.. It's about winning!! And unfortunately, only one  side is willing to do whatever it takes to actually, WIN! 

Monday, August 25, 2014

New to this!

This is officially my first blog. While I, like others before me, like to think i am the most interesting person in the world. I think i can lend a common sense view of the world and our surroundings that make sense. I am right of center politically. But right on point as it pertains to how i see our society today, and the purposeful attempt by those elected to force us to lose our identity.

I hope you have as much fun reading my blog as i will in writing them.
