Then i look at yet another fact. The very police killing these kids, whether justified or not, are part of a union that gives nearly 100% of their financial backing to democrats. Yes, those same democrats that say the other guys want to hang you consistently give the police 100% of what they ask for in pay, and working rights! For crying out loud, the clan was born from democrats! They, the dems, elected a senate majority leader that was the head of the clan (Senator Bird). Yet, they all progressives, white and black, and push out this narrative that, based on my vote, i want slavery back. That the moment i cast my vote, i'm buying a farm!!!
I don't know much, but i do know this. There are a lot of people out there that may not be as open minded as those who read this. And those people are being brainwashed to think, that the white guy they're looking at, hates him/her. Or assume that a certain zip code means you are automatically locked into an opposite view of their world as the person of color. There is an awful lot of hate being peddled out there, and only one party needs it to exist!
Be safe, god bless